Monday, April 21, 2014

Don't like it? Donate it. Give to a friend. Take to work and put a FREE sign on it

This is a quick post. 

Bought some Birthday Cake flavored Pop Tarts. 
"I'm not up for strange flavors. Give me Blueberry or Strawberry," was heard 'round the house. So I took them to our church food pantry. 

The lady there took them out of the outer box-they are packaged two-by-two-and put them with the regular flavors. I mentioned that they were not marked with the flavor on the wrapper. She said that would be okay, to let whoever got them be surprised.

So, if you don't like a particular food, that doesn't mean someone else wouldn't like it. Last week , I donated squash flavored macaroni pasta.  It was a little sweet. 

But look at this blog:
They loved this Rienzi i Bambini pasta. If you don't want it and there is not a food pantry nearby, ask a friend if they'd like to try it or leave it in the break room at work with a "FREE" sign on it.

Gave this to my neighbor. I loved it but just don't have a use for it.


  1. Hi Sue! Love your articles and their inspiration. While reading this article I remembered the time my niece bought a new refrigerator. She put the old one out on the curb with a free sign on it. It sat for 2 days. She put a $100 sign on it. It was taken that night. LOL!

    1. That's funny. But that is how some people are. Haha
